HET – Corporate Social Responsibility

HET – Corporate Social Responsibility

Himal Eco Treks is a legitimate tour operator in Nepal that offers all kinds of travel related services in Nepal.  It is a responsible tour operator that makes profit by selling its service in form of travel packages to its clients. However, it is not just a profit oriented company. It is a service oriented company that works for the betterment of people, community, society and the nation as a whole. As a part of our corporate social responsibility, Himal Eco Treks contribute to various infrastructural and developmental sectors like education, health, relief programs and many more in the rural areas of Nepal. Since the establishment of our company, we have been working for betterment of society in different sectors. We separate a part of our earning for CSR related activities and contribute it to various projects that create positive impact on the life of people and to the society.

Our remarkable projects for the society till date are as follows:

Education Related Projects

First project – Lamasthan Basic School, Jyamrung, Dhading(2009)

In 2009, we constructed a five roomed building for a primary school at an underdeveloped rural village of Jyamrung with necessary furniture and accessories like bench, desk, blackboard, etc. We were able to accomplish our dream of this school with the help of Roman Mueller and his kind hearted friends from Germany. Later, the school was upgraded from primary to secondary level. There are three lower secondary teachers in the school. Himal Eco Treks had committed for the salary of the teachers for five years. At present, Bharat Thapa – the founder member of Himal Eco Treks supports the students of the school with school bags in co-operation with Michal.

Second project – Jyoti Primary School, Jharlang, Dhading (2010)

Later in 2010, Himal Eco Treks came up with an idea of Jyoti Primary School in another rural village of Dhading i.e. in Jharlang. The school of five rooms was constructed with a commitment of paying salary of one primary teacher for five years. Later, the building was damaged by the earthquake of April, 2015. After the earthquake, an earthquake resistant building was constructed with six rooms. The school is supported by Roman Mueller in co-operation of Himal Eco Treks.

Third Project – Puru Primary School and Limju Primary School

In 2010, other two primary schools were constructed. Each school had five room capacities. Salary of two primary teachers for five years was committed for this project. But the earthquake of 2015 was very devastating. It destroyed the entire school building. Hence, a new earthquake resistant building was constructed that had six rooms.

Earthquake Relief Projects

social responsibility
social responsibility

The earthquake of April, 2015 was very devastating. The earthquake did injustice to various rural households in Nepal especially in Gorkha, Dolakha, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk and Karve districts. Not a single house was still after the earthquake. Some people were left lifeless while many were left homeless and helpless. During this crucial stage, Himal Eco Treks tried its best to help people as there is nothing above the humanity. During that time, we distributed tents, foods and tarpaulin. Around 10000 people of Dhading, Sindhupalchowk and Kavre districts were benefitted with our relief projects at that heart aching phase of Nepal. We even supported for temporary class rooms in Sindhupalchowk, Kavre and Dhading post earthquake. We supported 2 schools of Sindhupalchowk, 3 schools of Kavre and 3 schools of Dhading during that time.


Health Related Projects

Health Camp 2020, Semjong, Dhading

From 23 February, 2020 to 24 February, 2020, FDM Training was provided to Nepalese doctors in Nepal National Hospital, Kalanki, Kathmandu and from 24 February, 2020 to 26 February, 2020, a free health camp was conducted for orthopedic patient in rural village of Dabjong Netrawoti. These programs were sponsored by Himal Eco Treks in cooperation with Jyamrung welfare committee, Dabjong Netrawoti rural village and Nepal National Hospital Kalanki. The program was mainly supported by Dr. Karsten Wichmen and a team from Germany.


More about the Health Camp 2020

The first three days of the workshop was based on theoretical knowledge of Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) and practical training on Typaldos method. The workshop was according to the curriculum of EFDMA ( www.fdm-europe.com ). On the last day, all the health workers participated for working in the health camp. Around 156 patients were benefitted by this program and no any serious cases were found in patients observed during the health camp


Social workers of the health project

The credit of a successful health camp event in Semjong, Dhading goes to social worker Bharat Thapa and the entire Himal Eco Trek team. Besides, Krishna Man Shretha, JWFC team, Kathmandu National Hospital’s doctor team and Health post team of Local area has played a significant role in success of this event.

Current projects

At present, we are supporting Lamasthan basic school and Kamaladevi Basic school by providing school dresses to all students in the school.


However, our effort for the society doesn’t end here. We will continuously put of effort for the betterment of people, community, society and nation as a whole. We are looking forward to different projects and various helpful hands to make those projects succeed. So, let us all come together to strengthen the power of love and humanity. Let’s help others as we strive for success!

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